Wednesday, October 16, 2013

House sold? Lease signed?

After about 3 weeks on the market and a lot of interest, we got a contract on our house!  You can see our beautiful house HERE.  Happy that it sold so quickly, I felt like this:

We were so happy that we would be in Rockwall in about a month.  However, there are always howevers...  The inspection came back with some unanticipated problems, ones that I wasn't sure we would be able to fix.  For several days I was so stressed out and disappointed.  We had already found a lease house in Rockwall, one that I LOVED, and now we were going to have to let it go.  We didn't need to sell the house so we had decided we'd probably just retract our offer and take it off the market.  We could live here a couple more years and then try again.  But we thought we'd give it one last go, so we made some calls, got some estimates, and rechecked our level of commitment.  It's going to cost us, but we found a way to make it work.  We are currently out of the Option period, under contract, and scheduled to close November 1st, 2013.  BUT we are still waiting on the appraisal, the last hurdle I think.  My happy dance now has a slightly psychotic feel to it:
The rent house was still available and we jumped on signing the lease.  However... again.  The leasing agent came back to us after we had agreed on everything and said that, before the owners of the house would sign the lease, they needed more pet deposit money.  Paul went through the roof.  We were going to, AGAIN, retract the offer and start over.  Our agent was furious and stressed to the leasing agent that we were not going to pay additional fees NOT agreed upon at the signing,  That if the owners wanted more money then it needed to come out of her, the leasing agent's, commission.  She initially balked, but then conceded.  This wasn't our fault and we weren't going to pay for it.  We are currently waiting for the owners to sign the new lease.  Once it's signed, the house is ours, but instead of feeling happy I feel like I've been run over by a truck and left under a thunder cloud: 

Amazing how the world can beat you down. 

1 comment:

Cristy said... least the end is near :-)
I can't wait to see where you end up in Rockwall!